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How to Conserve Energy When Using a Generator

October 7, 2022

Commercial generators are a valuable power source, but often at the cost of high energy consumption. There are steps, however, that business owners can take to promote efficient fuel consumption. Here are essential tips on how to conserve energy while using a generator.

Invest in Regular Maintenance and Repair

Commercial generators allow a business to remain in operation without sacrificing productivity, even in extended outages. However, regardless of the commercial generator in use, planned preventive maintenance and repairs allow commercial generators to function efficiently.

At least once per month, business owners should check the oil levels in their generators and top them off. They should also check for signs of wear and tear. A clogged gasoline filter prevents enough fuel from passing through the filter, which may cause the fuel pump to work too hard. Clogged filter replacement promotes the best performance of commercial generators. Insulating diesel generator exhaust pipes keeps the commercial generator running excellently and efficiently.

Ensure Steady Loads on the Generator

According to Green Coast, approximately three-quarters of all electricity used in U.S. homes is attributed to switched-off devices. To conserve the energy that devices consume in standby mode, business owners can connect devices to commercial generators using smart power strips that turn off the power while a device is turned off. They should, however, ensure they utilize an extension cord or power strip suitable for outdoor use.

Running generators on the recommended load avoids problems such as glazing and carbon build-up that are associated with low loading. Fuel combustion, at proper loading, causes the engine to run optimally. On the other hand, an overloaded generator is unstable and keeps tripping, thereby damaging connected devices.

Prioritize Minimal Generator Use

Commercial generators serve as a valuable backup power source, whether poor power connection occurs due to poor weather or a lousy grid power supply. Other than commonly-used commercial generators and hydrocarbon fuels, business owners should consider alternatives like biomass, gas, and other more economical heavy-fuel oils for higher capacities. Solar and wind energy, too, are readily available and economical fuel sources with low greenhouse gas emissions.

Additionally, business owners should consider waste heat recovery from the commercial generator exhaust for base load diesel. Integrating heat recovered from their plant's operations into internal processes can make it easier for business owners to meet operational needs. Lower operating costs will result from using this new energy for processes that require heating and cooling.

Business owners can promote efficient energy use by maintaining a proper load and following a maintenance plan for their generators. Business owners are also more likely to conserve energy by using cheaper alternatives like solar instead of hydrocarbon fuels to power the generators. Reach out to our experts at Emergency Power Service for all your commercial generator-related queries and maintenance and repair needs.

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